Program ENG

Arrival and welcome seminar in Malmö starting at 12.00. The program and content of the Workshop will be presented to the participants, followed by presentations of current development projects in Lund and Malmö. The participants will thereafter be guided in the described areas. The day ends with a joint trip to Karlskrona, dinner and accomodation.

Introduction:    Siri Himmelman, student, Master program of spatial planning, BTH
Jonas Loiske, student, 
Master program of spatial planning, BTH
Gunnar Nyström, university lecturer, DSN, BTH

Lecturers:     Eva Dalman, projektchef, Lunds stadsbyggnadskontor
Kristina Nilsson, delprojektledare, Malmö stadsbyggnadskontor
Göran Rosberg, informationschef, Malmö stadsbyggnadskontor

Before lunch there will be short seminars (20-30 min) with time for questions and discussions. After lunch there will be guided tours and discussions with experts in smaller groups, followed by dinner and mingle at the BTH campus.

Seminar lecturers:
Christer Persson,  university lecturer and researcher, DSN, BTH
Theme: How planning doctrines/ concepts are formed and the status of the citizens participation in relation to global urban competitiveness. In short: is the citizens image/interest of the future city the same as the image of those buildning and planning the city?

Kalle Bergman, 
university lecturer , DSN, BTH
Theme: Public places - the preoccupation of public space and the spatial awareness that the current trends are based on.

Gunnar Nyström, university lecturer, DSN, BTH
Theme: Urban ecology

Tomasz Rozwadowski, teacher, Gdansk University of Technology
Theme: ‘Facing CITY 3.0 - are we ready for digital urbanism?’
in short: The discussion on new trends in urban planning in the context of digital communication technologies. The concept of ‘time’ and ‘place’ are changing as a result of diffusion of new ways of communication. Digital technology has become a kind of interface between man and city. How ubiquitous digital communication can affect the way we think about urban space and how it can influence the way we will build our environment in near future?

Cornelius Scherzer, Prof. , HTW Dresden
Theme: The role of landscape and open space in sustainable urban development. Professor Scherzer will focus on the contradictory aims of having a dense and compact or a spacious and green urban structure, using examples of current urban planning.

Tour guides:
Ivar Wenster, former Head of the kulturdepartment in Karlskrona. Will talk about culture and democracy in the city and in planning.

Leifh Stenholm, former Länsantikvarie of Blekinge county. Will talk about physical changes and the cityplan in a world heritage city.

Claes-Åke Kindlund, former head architect of Karlskrona. He will talk about the revitalization of Stumholmen.

Olof Woltil, PhD, DSN, BTH. ”To be is to be in place - conservation and planning in relation to reality” - a mix between a discussion about current urban planning and restoration questions in Karlskrona and a problematization by key words such as; ”cultural heritage”, ”conservation”, ”restoration”, ”planning”.

Before lunch there will be short inspiration seminars (20-30 min) followed by a panel discussion and groupdiscussions in the form of a workshop. The day ends with a boattrip, dinner at the Marin museum and a farewellparty.

Moderator of the panel discussion:
Gunnar Nyström, universitetslektor, DSN

Participants in the panel discussion:
Jerker Söderlind, urban researcher and teacher, KTH city development
Moa Tunström, researcher, KTH urban and regional studies

Tomasz Rozwadowski, , teacher, Gdansk University of Technology
and others.

Breakfast and departure for our guest students.